Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Loot

All in all it was a fun filled event. Owen hooked up with a couple pals and ran from house to house for nearly two hours. Theo overcame his initial trepidation and by the end was running his hardest to keep up with the boys. They were so far ahead that thye were usually on to the next driveway before Theo could even get to the door of the first house.

The funniest part of the evening when Yoda and Commander Cody waived their light sabres and a pack of trick or treaters and Theo jumped into the mix and waived his uponed fruit bar at them - A jedi warrior in training!
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The Way Home

The sugar high kicks in and the boys double home on the stroller made for one.
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Yoda and Commander Cody

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Yoda & The Caterpiller

Yoda, minus the green face paint and the 'cacter-priller' take it to the streets tonight.
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Pumpkin Carving

We don't get any trik or treaters down are dark and scary road but we carved the pumpkins today just in case! The boys got to choose their own design, Ann carves and I clean the insides.
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Saturday, October 09, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

We planted these beets back in March and some of them grew pretty big. Looks like borscht for the next week.
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We've enrolled Owen in the One Goal program. For $50 they loan you all the equipment and teach you how to skate. Here he is on week 2 already skating around the ice!
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Saturday, October 02, 2010

Halloween comes early around here

Ann found this 'official movie merchandise' labeled Cat in the Hat costume at the Thrift Store for 2 Bucks! Co-incidentally Cat in the Hat is the boy's favourite cartoon these days. Owen still wants to be Yoda this Halloween but this costume got some mileage the other day along with Theo's